Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Animals and Ladies in Dresses

Wow, It's been a while since I updated this...

This was more of a quick sketch than anything, but people seemed to like it. They're based on our animals. I love them. You can buy prints of this here or here if you want!

This was inspired by St. Vincent's music video for Cruel.

And this is my design for this year's xmas/winter party time card. Snow foxes are pretty cool!

I'm actually trying to find a good POD site with decent shipping times so I could sell some of my cards more than just locally. If you know of any please let me know!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I haven't painted in forever but I decided to try painting a sketch that was sitting in my sketchbook.
It's my interpretation of Minecraft, which if you haven't played it you should try it out cuz it's pretty fun!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Apartment Adventures

So I made a comic about my shitty apartment renting experiences in Vancouver. If you have trouble reading it here's a bigger version.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Vernon Life Drawing Part 1

I signed up for a month long, once a week life drawing drop in here in Vernon. The model in the two classes I've had so far has been in a bathing suit which is kind of weird. Small towns and their sensibilities I guess. These are all around 15-20 minutes.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A bunch of whatever I did

 I've tried a couple of times to do a self portrait, and I tend to hate the outcome each time. Except this time! Yay!

And then I drew a cat.

 And then I drew my second piece of Okamiden fanart. Dang!

And then I drew this, which was a combination of a bunch of different experiments. The lighting makes no sense unfortunately.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

WoW Commission

A commission I did for my friend's WoW guild forum. I kind of miss WoW sometimes, then I remember that it's an evil time suck.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

DotC Concepts

I've done quite a bit since updating last. I think I'll space things up so I don't flood you guys with updates.

So here's something I've been working on lately, concepts for a comic I'm working on. I was more trying to get a feel for their facial appearance and personalities, so their current clothing is a stand in. All done in Sai, which I'm kind of in love with right now.

This is the one I'm most happy with, the armour is about what I want.

Click for bigger:

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cat Farrell Bots

 I want to start doing dumb little minicomics somewhat regularly. I want to eventually do some sort of self contained short one shot comic, but I'm a bit out of practise right now. So, here are my cats.

My younger brother just turned 20, so I drew him Will Farrell's giant head.

I've recently become somewhat obsessed with Daft Punk.