Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Animation Dump

Converted all of my videos that weren't working to avis, which seemed to solve the problem. Here they are...

Simple Box Animation from Brittany Langlois on Vimeo.

Flour Sack Jump from Brittany Langlois on Vimeo.

Rough Ball Jumping from Brittany Langlois on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pretty Cliché

I found this sketch half coloured sitting on my hard drive, so I finished it. Woo!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ball Bounce

I've finished the first three assigned animations, unfortunately I can only show you one of them because the other two have been unable to be converted by Vimeo, YouTube or a video converter I have on my computer. So hopefully that's resolved soon.

Ball Bounce from Brittany Langlois on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Last Month's Work

I was very lazy last month, but I have a feeling I'll make up for it over the next two years.
Anyways, here's some stuff I did, but forgot to upload here.

I did this one for a contest.

Nosebleeds are always fun.

And I finally decided to jump on the batwagon and do Joker fanart. Only this is a bit of a mashup between Heath's version and Batman the Animated Series' Joker.